Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Things Obama stands for

He voted for partial birth abortion. He voted no on notifying parents of minors who get out-of-state abortions. Supports affirmative action in Colleges and Government (quotas). In 2001 he questioned harsh penalties for drug dealing as being too severe. Says he will deal with street level drug dealing as minimum wage affair. Admitted his use of marijuana and cocaine in high school and in college. His religious convictions are very murky. He is willing to meet with Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, Kim Jung Il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Has said that one of his first goals after being elected would be to have a conference with all Muslim nations. Why? Opposed the Patriot Act. First bill he signed that was ever passed was campaign finance reform. Voted to allow law suits against gun manufacturers. Supports universal health-care. Voted yes on providing habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees. Supports granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. Supports extending welfare to illegal immigrants. Voted yes on comprehensive immigration reform. Voted yes on allowing illegal aliens to participate in Social Security. Wants to make the minimum wage a 'living wage'. Voted with Democratic Party 96 percent of 251 votes. (241 votes Demo, 10 votes Republican) Is a big believer in the separation of church and state. Opposed to any efforts to Privatize Social Security and instead supports increasing the amount of tax paid into Soc. Sec. Tax Increase. He voted No on repealing the Alternative Minimum Tax which now hits middle income brackets. Tax Increase.He voted No on repealing the 'Death' Tax. Tax Increase. He wants to raise the Capital Gains Tax. Tax Increase. Has repeatedly said the surge in Iraq has not succeeded...which is not true. He is ranked as the most liberal Senator in the Senate today and that takes some doing
The Leaders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac (Economic Crisis) are his close friends and inside advisors. They made millions and millions of dollars at the taxpayer expense. He wants one of them to be US Attorney General - if he is elected President. They are immoral and unethical and violated the public trust, over and over again.
Obama counts William Ayres as a close ally and advisor - He ran the Weather Underground and has said his bombings weren't really enough. Ayres and Rev. Wright are close insiders. Both are Anti-American and Anti-Christian. If your political choices are consistent with Barack Obama's and you think that his positions will bring America together or make it a better place, then you will probably enjoy the ride and not forward this Email. If you are like most Americans that after examining what he stands for, are truly not in line with his record, it would be prudent to get off the wave or better yet, never get on, before it comes on shore and undermines the very foundations of this great Country. We have limited time to save America or the Supreme Court as we know it. Inaction is action. If you agree this is important, pass it on. The mainstream media will not do it for you!

Bill Brown Billy Graham Team, Retired

Even though we may not agree 100 % with McCain He is still the better candidate to keep our countries beliefs the same.


SS said...

Mike welcome to the blogging world!!!!! I'm so glad that you started a blog on politics and I agree with everything that you've posted. Keep in touch!!

Autumn said...

Don't rely on McCain, he's part of the one-world order group and he's a liberal as well. Never thought he'd get as far as he did. And don't follow him because of Sarah Palin either, she's only running for Vice. Check out Chuck Baldwin. Try some third party research. It's a much better option than casting a vote for someone you don't agree with.

SS said...

Hey I like your stippling man. He looks so real!!!!!