Wednesday, October 29, 2008

An interview I heard on the radio

Dr. James Dobson was talking about Obama and some of the things he has promised to do once he gets in office, the first thing Obama has promised to do is to anact a bill that will abolish any law protecting babies from getting aborted. Obama wants to make it legall to preform an abortion all the way up till its due date! Meaning they pull the babies body out feet first and leave the head in and just stab the head to kill the baby becuase supposedly a baby isn't a human being until it exits the body. What kind of sick people are you that would want to do this to any living being. People a baby is human being the second it is concieved in the womb you have no right to out right kill babies. "All men are created equal" quoting President Lincoln. Babies are human beings! They are no different than me and you! When ask at a debate, what should we do if the abortion fails and the baby comes out alive? he aswered "that question is above my pay roll" quoting Obama. Above his pay roll are you kidding me if that question is above his pay roll why should we let him become president if that kind of question is above his pay roll!!!

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